Friday, June 25, 2010

part three - Unfinished Business - Out Of My Hands

Two summers ago I was working three jobs - deli clerk, at a dry cleaners, and landscaping every Thursday.
It was a bitch, and ironically enough, the landscaping was the easiest due to the lack of customer interaction.
One day, instead of mowing lawns I helped my boss re-tile his bathroom and set up his stereo system in his new house. He lived about 30-40 minutes outside the city proper, so since I was in the area, I decided to rip out a page of the phonebook and find a record store. There were three options, two of which were Salvo and Goodwill. When that far from the city, neither place is usually the best place to look, so I hit up a CD shop with my favorite shit - $1 12" singles. Ever since my boy scored a copy of Symbols & Instruments - Moods on KMS I wanted to hit it up again.
I got there, got down to business sifting and sorting, selected 40 records [how much i got payed]. Out of those 40, I knew what 1 was, and that was a Kano record. The other 39 were from a private collection bought out from the store that belonged to the resident dj at a gay nightclub that shut down several years ago. I was trying to score some Patrick Crowley or Sylvester.... some high NRG shit. whatever.
I got home, and listened to all 40. I was pretty dissapointed that out of all those records, only 4 of them were good finds. I loaded the remaining 36 into the "dump off for store credit" pile, and added the 4 keepers to the "ambiguis dance/pop singles stack".
Two years later I came across those 4 records again.
Xena - On The Upside, Kano - I'm Ready, Kool Rock Steady - Power Move, and Unfinished Business - Out Of My Hands.

Initially I was pretty excited when I found it, not because I knew what it was, but because I recogonized Frankie Knuckles. Two things really lowered my spirits -1.) I was thrown off by the 1987 release date and started to think it was some form of repress, and 2.) I was listening to a lot of disco [mostly italian at the time] and I knew this was an OMNI song, so again I figured I just got something to the extent of a repress. You know how those labels do...canadian/french/german/us represses of disco records....anyways.
I thought it was a good tune, butI had no idea it was such a sought after 12". [3 wants to every owned copy according to Discogs]

Made me think...

Digging in the dollar bin isn't about trophies. Digging makes me appreciate the records use. Records should be used for playing out tunes, for exposure to new music - should be used for it's drum break, for their weird noises.
Instead, a drum break seems to be  another means of  tallying collectability. 
Record collecting threatens my ability to get a copy to use. Take drum breaks for example. I'm positive records like Lee Dorsey - Get Out My Life Woman,The Winstons - Amen Brother, any JB record, Funky Penguin etc.  were common recordsColour Him Father, the flipside to the Amen, was topped the Billboards.then about 20 years later people begin to sample them.
40 years pass, and tune that toped the charts in the begining is hard to find. 3 generations of people were after it -when it was new and two that are still after it. there's not a single person my age that hasn't heard those drums in NWA or Cypress Hill.

On the other hand, having 3-4 copies of a certain 45" really doesn't help my argument, but sometimes that's how many copies it takes to find a clean one.

getting back to Unfinished Business...
I'm putting it up for auction in hopes that somebody will use it accordingly.
Just some mid-afternoon/evening musings.
Gonna dip - try and get into somethin' on this friday night.

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