Tuesday, April 27, 2010

saying goodbye and unfun.

nobody has spent so much time with me as this machine has.

finally got around to the .wav's I recorded of the micron. I really should have taken more time recording, but I had roughly ten hours and was already a bit drunk. should have used some MIDI implementation. but it was fun.

time for work work work....

Monday, April 26, 2010

lost pages

missing page 30 owners

missing page 31 owners

Page ? useful? indeed.

Friday, April 23, 2010

not so fast deah coppah....

some things i forgot to mention

"be sure to set the canceler knob to '0.5'" fucked with my head a bit. There is no canceler knob in the parts list, but anti-skate is a counterforce, right? setting the anti-skate to 0.5 puts the spring in the right place according to the diagram. flawless methodology on my part....

put everything back together and tested everything out by playing my copy of a Crystal Gale - We Should Be Together LP. why? because the distortion is noticeable on You'll Be Loved Someday when "love - what I'd give to be loved" is sung. it also happened to be the first record within sight.

multi-faceted dollar bin LP usage.

the distortion was caused by the cartridge not being properly secured, and too little tracking force.
straightened the headshell, added 1g of force.

from the manual